

class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.CloudServiceType[source]

Defines possible service types that are offered by providers.

Providers can implement the has_service method and clients can check for the availability of a service with:

if (provider.has_service(CloudServiceTypes.BUCKET))


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.CloudResource[source]

Base interface for any Resource supported by a provider.

This interface has a _provider property that can be used to access the provider associated with the resource, which is only intended for use by subclasses. Every CloudBridge resource also has an id, a name and a label property. The id property is a unique identifier for the resource. The name is a more user-friendly version of an id, suitable for display to an end-user. However, it cannot be used in place of id. See @name documentation. The label property is a user-assignable identifier for the resource.


Get the resource identifier.

The id property is used to uniquely identify the resource, and is an opaque value which should not be interpreted by CloudBridge clients, and is a value meaningful to the underlying cloud provider.

Return type:str
Returns:ID for this resource as returned by the cloud middleware.

Get the name id for the resource.

The name property is typically a user-friendly id value for the resource. The name is different from the id property in the following ways:

  1. The name property is often a more user-friendly value to display to the user than the id property.
  2. The name may sometimes be the same as the id, but should never be used in place of the id.
  3. The id is what will uniquely identify a resource, and will be used internally by CloudBridge for all get operations etc.
  4. All resources have a name.
  5. The name is read-only.
  6. However, the name may not necessarily be unique, which is the reason why it should not be used for uniquely identifying a resource.

Example: The AWS machine image name maps to a CloudBridge name. It is not editable and is a user friendly name such as ‘Ubuntu 18.04’ and corresponds to the ami-name. It is distinct from the ami-id, which maps to CloudBridge’s id property. The ami-name cannot be edited, and is set at creation time. It is not necessarily unique. In Azure, the machine image’s name corresponds to CloudBridge’s name property. In Azure, it also happens to be the same as the id property.

The name property and the label property share the same character restrictions. See label.


Returns a JSON representation of the CloudResource object.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.Configuration[source]

Represents a CloudBridge configuration object


A flag indicating whether CloudBridge is in debug mode.

Setting this to True will cause the underlying provider’s debug output to be turned on. The flag can be toggled by sending in the cb_debug value via the config dictionary, or setting the CB_DEBUG environment variable.

Return type:bool
Returns:Whether debug mode is on.

Get the default maximum number of results to return for a list method.

The default limit will be applied to most list() and find() methods whenever an explicit limit is not specified.

Return type:int
Returns:The maximum number of results to return

Get the default wait interval for LifeCycleObjects.

The default wait interval is applied in wait_for() and wait_till_ready() methods if no explicit interval is specified.

Return type:int
Returns:How frequently to poll the object’s state.

Get the default wait timeout for LifeCycleObjects.

The default wait timeout is applied in wait_for() and wait_till_ready() methods if no explicit timeout is specified.

Return type:int
Returns:The maximum length of time (in seconds) to wait for the object to change to desired state.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.ObjectLifeCycleMixin[source]

A mixin for an object with a defined life-cycle.

Object examples include an Instance, Volume, Image, or Snapshot. An object that supports ObjectLifeCycleMixin will always have a state, defining which point in its life cycle it is currently at.

It also defines a wait_till_ready operation, which indicates that the object is in a state in its life cycle where it is ready to be used by an end-user.

A refresh operation allows the object to synchronize its state with the service provider.


Refresh this object’s state and synchronize it with the provider.


Get the current state of this object.

Return type:str
Returns:The current state as a string.
wait_for(target_states, terminal_states=None, timeout=None, interval=None)[source]

Wait for for an object to reach a one of desired target states.

If the object does not reach the desired state within the specified timeout, a WaitStateException will be raised. The optional terminal_states property can be used to specify an additional set of states which, should the object reach one, the object thereafter will not transition into the desired target state. Should this happen, a WaitStateException will be raised.


    [InstanceState.DELETED, InstanceState.UNKNOWN],
  • target_states (list of states) – The list of target states to wait for.
  • terminal_states (list of states) – A list of terminal states after which the object will not transition into a target state. A WaitStateException will be raised if the object transition into a terminal state.
  • timeout (int) – The maximum length of time (in seconds) to wait for the object to changed to desired state. If no timeout is specified, the global default_wait_timeout defined in the provider config will apply.
  • interval (int) – How frequently to poll the object’s state (in seconds). If no interval is specified, the global default_wait_interval defined in the provider config will apply.
Return type:



Returns True if successful. A WaitStateException exception may be thrown by the underlying service if the object cannot get into a ready state (e.g. if the object is in an error state).

wait_till_ready(timeout, interval)[source]

Wait till the current object reaches its ready state.

An object’s ready state is any state where the end-user can successfully interact with the object. Will throw a WaitStateException if the object is not ready within the specified timeout.

  • timeout (int) – The maximum length of time (in seconds) to wait for the object to become ready.
  • interval (int) – How frequently to poll the object’s ready state (in seconds).
Return type:



Returns True if successful. A WaitStateException exception may be thrown by the underlying service if the object cannot get into a ready state (e.g. if the object is in an error state).


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.PageableObjectMixin[source]

A marker interface for objects which support paged iteration.

The list of objects can be iterated over using the list(limit, marker) method.

list(limit=None, marker=None)[source]

Returns a list of objects up to a maximum limit.

If a limit and marker are specified, the records will be fetched up to the limit starting from the marker onwards. The returned list is a list of class ResultList, which has extra properties like is_truncated, supports_total and total_records to provide extra information about record availability.

If limit is not specified, the limit will default to the underlying provider’s default limit. Therefore, you need to check the is_truncated property to determine whether more records are available.

The total number of results can be determined through the total_results property. Not all provides will support returning the total_results property, so the supports_total property can be used to determine whether a total is supported.

To iterate through all the records, it will be easier to iterate directly through the instances using __iter__ instead of calling the list method. The __iter__ method will automatically call the list method to fetch a batch of records at a time.


# get first page of results
instlist = provider.compute.instances.list(limit=50)
for instance in instlist:
    print("Instance Data: {0}", instance)
if instlist.supports_total:
    print("Total results: {0}".format(instlist.total_results))
    print("Total records unknown,"
          "but has more data?: {0}".format(instlist.is_truncated))

# Page to next set of results
if (instlist.is_truncated)
    instlist = provider.compute.instances.list(limit=100,

# Alternative: iterate through every available record
for instance in provider.compute.instances:


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.ResultList[source]

Provide extra properties to aid with paging through a many results.

This is a wrapper class around a standard Python list class.


# get first page of results
rl = provider.compute.instances.list(limit=50)
for result in rl:
    print("Instance Data: {0}", result)
if rl.supports_total:
    print("Total results: {0}".format(rl.total_results))
    print("Total records unknown,"
          "but has more data?: {0}."format(rl.is_truncated))

# Page to next set of results
if (rl.is_truncated)
    rl = provider.compute.instances.list(limit=100,

Indicate whether this result list has more results that can be paged.


An opaque identifier used in paging through very long lists of objects.

This marker can be provided to the list method to get the next set of results.


Indicate whether this ResultList supports server side paging.

If server side paging is not supported, the result will use client side paging and the data property provides direct access to all available data.


Indicate whether can obtain the total number of available results.

The supports_total property should be checked before accessing the total_results property. This is a provider-specific property.


Indicate the total number of results for a particular query.

The supports_total property should be used to check whether the provider supports returning the total number of results, before accessing this property, or the behavior is indeterminate.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.InstanceState[source]

Standard states for an instance.

  • UNKNOWN – Instance state unknown.
  • PENDING – Instance is pending
  • CONFIGURING – Instance is being reconfigured in some way.
  • RUNNING – Instance is running.
  • REBOOTING – Instance is rebooting.
  • DELETED – Instance is deleted. No further operations possible.
  • STOPPED – Instance is stopped. Instance can be resumed.
  • ERROR – Instance is in an error state. No further operations possible.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.Instance[source]

Add a public IP address to this instance.

Parameters:floating_ip (:class:.FloatingIP or floating IP ID) – The FloatingIP object to associate with the instance. Note that is not the actual public IP address but the CloudBridge object encapsulating the IP or the respective provider ID that identifies the address.

Add a VM firewall to this instance

Parameters:firewall (:class:.VMFirewall) – The VMFirewall to associate with the instance.

Create a new image based on this instance.

Return type::class:.Image
Returns:an Image object

Permanently delete this instance.


Get the image ID for this instance.

Return type:str
Returns:Image ID (i.e., AMI) this instance is using.

Get the id of the key pair associated with this instance.

Return type:str
Returns:Id of the ssh key pair associated with this instance.

Get the resource label.

The label property is a user-defined, editable identifier for a resource. It will often correspond to a user editable resource label in the underlying cloud provider, or be simulated through tags/labels.

The label property adheres to the following restrictions:

  • Must be at least 3 characters in length.
  • Cannot be longer than 63 characters.
  • May only contain ASCII characters comprising of lowercase letters, numeric characters, and dashes.
  • Must begin with an alphanumeric character and end with one (i.e. cannot begin or end with a dash)

Some resources may not support labels, in which case, a NotImplementedError will be thrown.

Return type:str
Returns:Label for this resource as returned by the cloud middleware.
Raise:NotImplementedError if this resource does not support labels.

Get all the private IP addresses for this instance.

Return type:list
Returns:A list of private IP addresses associated with this instance.

Get all the public IP addresses for this instance.

Return type:list
Returns:A list of public IP addresses associated with this instance.

Reboot this instance (using the cloud middleware API).

Return type:bool
Returns:True if the reboot was successful; False otherwise.

Remove a public IP address from this instance.

Parameters:floating_ip (:class:.FloatingIP or floating IP ID) – The FloatingIP object to remove from the instance. Note that is not the actual public IP address but the CloudBridge object encapsulating the IP or the respective provider ID that identifies the address.

Remove a VM firewall from this instance

Parameters:firewall (VMFirewall) – The VMFirewall to associate with the instance.

Get the subnet ID where this instance is placed.

Return type:str
Returns:Subnet ID to which this instance is connected.

Get the IDs of the VM firewalls associated with this instance.

Return type:list or :class:str
Returns:A list of the VMFirewall IDs associated with this instance.

Get the firewalls (security groups) associated with this instance.

Return type:list or VMFirewall objects
Returns:A list of VMFirewall objects associated with this instance.

Retrieve full VM type information for this instance.

Return type:VMType
Returns:VM type for this instance

Get the VM type id for this instance.

This will typically be a string value like ‘m1.large’. On OpenStack, this may be a number or UUID. To get the full :class:.VMType object, you can use the instance.vm_type property instead.

Return type:str
Returns:VM type id for this instance (e.g., m1.large)

Get the placement zone ID where this instance is running.

Return type:str
Returns:Region/zone/placement where this instance is running.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.MachineImageState[source]

Standard states for a machine image

  • UNKNOWN – Image state unknown.
  • PENDING – Image is pending
  • AVAILABLE – Image is available
  • ERROR – Image is in an error state. Not recoverable.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.LaunchConfig[source]

Represents an advanced launch configuration object.

This object can contain information such as BlockDeviceMappings configurations and other advanced options, which may be useful when launching an instance.


lc = provider.compute.instances.create_launch_config()

inst = provider.compute.instances.create(
    'MyVM', image, vm_type, subnet, launch_config=lc)

Add a new ephemeral block device mapping to the boot configuration.

This can be used to add existing ephemeral devices to the instance (the total number of ephemeral devices available for a particular VMType can be determined by querying the VMType service). Note that on some providers, such as AWS, ephemeral devices must be added in as a device mapping at instance creation time and cannot be added afterwards.

Note that the device name, such as /dev/sda1, cannot be selected at present, since this tends to be provider and VM type specific. However, the order of device addition coupled with device type will generally determine naming order, with devices added first getting lower letters than instances added later.


lc = provider.compute.instances.create_launch_config()

# 1. Add all available ephemeral devices
vm_type = provider.compute.vm_types.find(name='m1.tiny')[0]
for i in range(vm_type.num_ephemeral_disks):
add_volume_device(source=None, is_root=None, size=None, delete_on_terminate=None)[source]

Add a new volume based block device mapping to the boot configuration.

The volume can be based on a snapshot, image, existing volume or be a blank new volume, and is specified by the source parameter.

The property is_root can be set to True to override any existing root device mappings. Otherwise, the default behavior is to add new block devices to the instance.

Note that the device name, such as /dev/sda1, cannot be selected at present since this tends to be provider and VM type specific. However, the order of device addition coupled with device type will generally determine naming order, with devices added first getting lower letters than instances added later (except when is_root is set).


lc = provider.compute.instances.create_launch_config()

# 1. Create and attach an empty volume of size 100GB
lc.add_volume_device(size=100, delete_on_terminate=True)

# 2. Create and attach a volume based on a snapshot
snap ='<my_snapshot_id>')

# 3. Create+attach a volume based on an image and set it as root
img = provider.compute.images.get('<my_image_id>')
lc.add_volume_device(source=img, size=100, is_root=True)
  • source (Volume, Snapshot, Image or None.) – The source block_device to add. If Volume, the volume will be attached directly to the instance. If Snapshot, a volume will be created based on the Snapshot and attached to the instance. If Image, a volume based on the Image will be attached to the instance. If None, the source is assumed to be a blank volume.
  • is_root (bool) – Determines which device will serve as the root device. If more than one device is defined as root, an InvalidConfigurationException will be thrown.
  • size (int) – The size of the volume to create. An implementation may ignore this parameter for certain sources like ‘Volume’.
  • delete_on_terminate (bool) – Determines whether to delete or keep the volume on instance termination.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.MachineImage[source]

Delete this image.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if the operation succeeded.

Get the image description.

Return type:str
Returns:Description for this image as returned by the cloud middleware.

Return the minimum size of the disk that’s required to boot this image.

Value returned is in gigabytes.

Return type:int
Returns:The minimum disk size needed by this image.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.NetworkState[source]

Standard states for a network.

  • UNKNOWN – Network state unknown.
  • PENDING – Network is being created.
  • AVAILABLE – Network is available.
  • DOWN – Network is not operational.
  • ERROR – Network is in error state.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.Network[source]

Represents a software-defined network, like the Virtual Private Cloud.


A CIDR block for this network.


OpenStack does not define a CIDR block for networks.

Return type:str
Returns:A CIDR block string.

Delete this network.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

A flag to indicate if this network is capable of Internet-connectivity.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if the network can be connected to the Internet.

Provides access to the internet gateways attached to this network.

Return type:GatewaySubService
Returns:A GatewaySubService object

Get the resource label.

The label property is a user-defined, editable identifier for a resource. It will often correspond to a user editable resource label in the underlying cloud provider, or be simulated through tags/labels.

The label property adheres to the following restrictions:

  • Must be at least 3 characters in length.
  • Cannot be longer than 63 characters.
  • May only contain ASCII characters comprising of lowercase letters, numeric characters, and dashes.
  • Must begin with an alphanumeric character and end with one (i.e. cannot begin or end with a dash)

Some resources may not support labels, in which case, a NotImplementedError will be thrown.

Return type:str
Returns:Label for this resource as returned by the cloud middleware.
Raise:NotImplementedError if this resource does not support labels.

The state of the network.

Return type:str
Returns:One of unknown, pending, available, down or error.

The associated subnets.

Return type:list of Subnet
Returns:List of subnets associated with this network.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.SubnetState[source]

Standard states for a subnet.

  • UNKNOWN – Subnet state unknown.
  • PENDING – Subnet is being created.
  • AVAILABLE – Subnet is available.
  • DOWN – Subnet is not operational.
  • ERROR – Subnet is in error state.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.Subnet[source]

Represents a subnet, as part of a Network.


A CIDR block for this subnet.

Return type:str
Returns:A CIDR block string.

Delete this subnet.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Get the resource label.

The label property is a user-defined, editable identifier for a resource. It will often correspond to a user editable resource label in the underlying cloud provider, or be simulated through tags/labels.

The label property adheres to the following restrictions:

  • Must be at least 3 characters in length.
  • Cannot be longer than 63 characters.
  • May only contain ASCII characters comprising of lowercase letters, numeric characters, and dashes.
  • Must begin with an alphanumeric character and end with one (i.e. cannot begin or end with a dash)

Some resources may not support labels, in which case, a NotImplementedError will be thrown.

Return type:str
Returns:Label for this resource as returned by the cloud middleware.
Raise:NotImplementedError if this resource does not support labels.

The parent network object associated with this this subnet.

Return type:Network
Returns:Network object

ID of the network associated with this this subnet.

Return type:str
Returns:Network ID.

Placement zone of the subnet.

If the provider does not support subnet placement, return None.

Return type:PlacementZone object
Returns:Placement zone of the subnet, or None if not defined.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.FloatingIP[source]

Represents a floating (i.e., static) IP address.


Delete this address.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Whether the address is in use or not.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if the address is attached to an instance.

Private IP address this address is attached to.

Return type:str
Returns:IP address or None.

Public IP address.

Return type:str
Returns:IP address.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.RouterState[source]

Standard states for a router.

  • UNKNOWN – Router state unknown.
  • ATTACHED – Router is attached to a network and should be operational.
  • DETACHED – Router is detached from a network.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.Router[source]

Represents a private network router.

This logical router is meant to roughly mimic the properties of a physical router. Therefore, attaching a subnet can be thought of as plugging in a network cable to enable routing to/from that subnet. Attaching a gateway can be thought of as plugging in an upstream link.


Attach a gateway to this router.

Parameters:gateway (Gateway) – The Gateway to attach to this router.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Attach this router to a subnet.

Parameters:subnet (Subnet or str) – The subnet to which to attach this router.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Delete this router.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Detach this router from a gateway.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Detach this subnet from a network.

Parameters:subnet (Subnet or str) – The subnet to detach from this router.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Get the resource label.

The label property is a user-defined, editable identifier for a resource. It will often correspond to a user editable resource label in the underlying cloud provider, or be simulated through tags/labels.

The label property adheres to the following restrictions:

  • Must be at least 3 characters in length.
  • Cannot be longer than 63 characters.
  • May only contain ASCII characters comprising of lowercase letters, numeric characters, and dashes.
  • Must begin with an alphanumeric character and end with one (i.e. cannot begin or end with a dash)

Some resources may not support labels, in which case, a NotImplementedError will be thrown.

Return type:str
Returns:Label for this resource as returned by the cloud middleware.
Raise:NotImplementedError if this resource does not support labels.

ID of the network to which the router is attached.

Return type:str
Returns:ID for the attached network or None.

Router state: attached or detached to a network.

Return type:str
Returns:attached or detached.

List of subnets attached to this router.

Return type:list of Subnet objects
Returns:A list of subnets associated with this router.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.Gateway[source]

Represents a gateway resource.


Delete this gateway. On some providers, if the gateway is public/a singleton, this operation will do nothing.


Provides access to floating IPs connected to this internet gateway.

Return type:FloatingIPSubService
Returns:A FloatingIPSubService object

ID of the network to which the gateway is attached.

Return type:str
Returns:ID for the attached network or None.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.InternetGateway[source]

Represents an Internet gateway resource.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.VolumeState[source]

Standard states for a volume

  • UNKNOWN – Volume state unknown.
  • CREATING – Volume is being created.
  • CONFIGURING – Volume is being configured in some way.
  • AVAILABLE – Volume is available and can be attached to an instance.
  • IN_USE – Volume is attached and in-use.
  • DELETED – Volume has been deleted. No further operations possible.
  • ERROR – Volume is in an error state. No further operations possible.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.Volume[source]

Represents a block storage device (aka volume).

attach(instance, device)[source]

Attach this volume to an instance.

  • instance (str or Instance object) – The ID of an instance or an Instance object to which this volume will be attached.
  • device (str) – The device on the instance through which the volume will be exposed (e.g. /dev/sdh).
Return type:



True if successful.


Get attachment information for this volume.

Return type:AttachmentInfo
Returns:Returns an AttachmentInfo object.
create_snapshot(label, description=None)[source]

Create a snapshot of this Volume.

  • label (str) – The label for this snapshot.
  • description (str) – A description of the snapshot. Limited to 256 characters.
Return type:



The created Snapshot object.


Get the creation data and time for this volume.

Return type:DateTime
Returns:Creation time for this volume as returned by the cloud middleware.

Delete this volume.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Get the volume description.

Some cloud providers may not support this property, and will return the volume label instead.

Return type:str
Returns:Description for this volume as returned by the cloud middleware.

Detach this volume from an instance.

Parameters:force (bool) – Forces detachment if the previous detachment attempt did not occur cleanly. This option is supported on select clouds only. This option can lead to data loss or a corrupted file system. Use this option only as a last resort to detach a volume from a failed instance. The instance will not have an opportunity to flush file system caches nor file system meta data. If you use this option, you must perform file system check and repair procedures.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Get the resource label.

The label property is a user-defined, editable identifier for a resource. It will often correspond to a user editable resource label in the underlying cloud provider, or be simulated through tags/labels.

The label property adheres to the following restrictions:

  • Must be at least 3 characters in length.
  • Cannot be longer than 63 characters.
  • May only contain ASCII characters comprising of lowercase letters, numeric characters, and dashes.
  • Must begin with an alphanumeric character and end with one (i.e. cannot begin or end with a dash)

Some resources may not support labels, in which case, a NotImplementedError will be thrown.

Return type:str
Returns:Label for this resource as returned by the cloud middleware.
Raise:NotImplementedError if this resource does not support labels.

Get the volume size (in GB).

Return type:int
Returns:Size for this volume as returned by the cloud middleware.

If available, get the source that this volume is based on.

This can be a Snapshot, an Image, or None if no source.

Return type:Snapshot, Image, or None
Returns:Snapshot or Image source for this volume as returned by the cloud middleware.

Get the placement zone id that this volume belongs to.

Return type:str
Returns:PlacementZone for this volume as returned by the cloud middleware.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.SnapshotState[source]

Standard states for a snapshot

  • UNKNOWN – Snapshot state unknown.
  • PENDING – Snapshot is pending.
  • CONFIGURING – Snapshot is being configured in some way.
  • AVAILABLE – Snapshot has been completed and is ready for use.
  • ERROR – Snapshot is in an error state. No further operations possible.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.Snapshot[source]

Represents a snapshot of a block storage device.


Get the creation data and time for this snapshot.

Return type:DateTime
Returns:Creation time for this snapshot as returned by the cloud middleware.
create_volume(size=None, volume_type=None, iops=None)[source]

Create a new Volume from this Snapshot.

  • size (int) – The size of the new volume, in GiB (optional). Defaults to the size of the snapshot.
  • volume_type (str) – The type of the volume (optional). Availability and valid values depend on the provider.
  • iops (int) – The provisioned IOPs you want to associate with this volume (optional). Availability depends on the provider.
Return type:



An instance of the created Volume.


Delete this snapshot.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Get the snapshot description.

Some cloud providers may not support this property, and will return the snapshot label instead.

Return type:str
Returns:Description for this snapshot as returned by the cloud middleware.

Get the resource label.

The label property is a user-defined, editable identifier for a resource. It will often correspond to a user editable resource label in the underlying cloud provider, or be simulated through tags/labels.

The label property adheres to the following restrictions:

  • Must be at least 3 characters in length.
  • Cannot be longer than 63 characters.
  • May only contain ASCII characters comprising of lowercase letters, numeric characters, and dashes.
  • Must begin with an alphanumeric character and end with one (i.e. cannot begin or end with a dash)

Some resources may not support labels, in which case, a NotImplementedError will be thrown.

Return type:str
Returns:Label for this resource as returned by the cloud middleware.
Raise:NotImplementedError if this resource does not support labels.

Get the snapshot size (in GB).

Return type:int
Returns:Size for this snapshot as returned by the cloud middleware.

Get the id of the volume that this snapshot is based on.

This method may return None if the source volume no longer exists.

Return type:int
Returns:Id of the volume that this snapshot is based on


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.KeyPair[source]

Represents an ssh key pair.


Delete this key pair.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Unencrypted private key.

Return type:str
Returns:Unencrypted private key or None if not available.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.Region[source]

Represents a cloud region.

A cloud region is typically a separate geographic area and will contain at least one placement zone.


Access information about placement zones within this region.

Return type:Iterable
Returns:Iterable of available placement zones in this region.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.PlacementZone[source]

Represents a placement zone.

A placement zone is contained within a Region.


A region this placement zone is associated with.

Return type:str
Returns:The id of the region the zone is associated with.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.VMType[source]

A VM type object.


A dictionary of extra data about this instance. May contain nested dictionaries, but all key value pairs are strings or integers.

Return type:dict
Returns:Extra attributes for this VM type.

The family/group that this VM type belongs to.

For example, General Purpose Instances or High-Memory Instances. If the provider does not support such a grouping, it may return None.

Return type:str
Returns:Name of the instance family or None.

The total number of ephemeral disks on this VM type.

Return type:int
Returns:Number of ephemeral disks available.

The amount of RAM (in GB) supported by this VM type.

Return type:float
Returns:Total RAM (in GB).

The size of this VM types’s total ephemeral storage (in GB).

Return type:int
Returns:Size of ephemeral disks (in GB).

The size of this VM types’s root disk (in GB).

Return type:int
Returns:Size of root disk (in GB).

The total disk space available on this VM type (root_disk + ephemeral).

Return type:int
Returns:Size of total disk space (in GB).

The number of VCPUs supported by this VM type.

Return type:int
Returns:Number of VCPUs.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.VMFirewall[source]

Represents a firewall resource applied to virtual machines.

This is in contrast to a firewall for a network, for example.


Return the description of this VM firewall.

Return type:str
Returns:A description of this VM firewall.

Get the resource label.

The label property is a user-defined, editable identifier for a resource. It will often correspond to a user editable resource label in the underlying cloud provider, or be simulated through tags/labels.

The label property adheres to the following restrictions:

  • Must be at least 3 characters in length.
  • Cannot be longer than 63 characters.
  • May only contain ASCII characters comprising of lowercase letters, numeric characters, and dashes.
  • Must begin with an alphanumeric character and end with one (i.e. cannot begin or end with a dash)

Some resources may not support labels, in which case, a NotImplementedError will be thrown.

Return type:str
Returns:Label for this resource as returned by the cloud middleware.
Raise:NotImplementedError if this resource does not support labels.

Network ID with which this VM firewall is associated.

Return type:str
Returns:Provider-supplied network ID or None is not available.

Get access to the rules belonging to this VM firewall.

This object can be used for further operations on rules, such as get, list, create, etc.

Return type:An object of VMFirewallRuleSubService
Returns:A VMFirewallRuleSubService for further operations


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.VMFirewallRule[source]

Represents a VM firewall rule.


CIDR block this VM firewall is providing access to.

Return type:str
Returns:CIDR block.

Delete this rule.


Direction of traffic to which this rule applies.

Either TrafficDirection.INBOUND or TrafficDirection.OUTBOUND.

Return type:str
Returns:Direction of traffic to which this rule applies.

Lowest port number opened as part of this rule.

Return type:int
Returns:Lowest port number or 0 if not set.

IP protocol used. Either tcp | udp | icmp.

Return type:str
Returns:Active protocol.

VM firewall given access permissions by this rule.

Return type::class:.VMFirewall
Returns:The VM firewall granted access.

VM firewall id given access permissions by this rule.

Return type:str
Returns:The VM firewall granted access.

Highest port number opened as part of this rule.

Return type:int
Returns:Highest port number or 0 if not set.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.TrafficDirection[source]

Direction of data flow in a firewall.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.BucketObject[source]

Represents an object stored within a bucket.


Delete this object.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Generate a signed URL to this object.

A signed URL associated with an object gives time-limited read access to that specific object. Anyone in possession of the URL has the access granted by the URL.

Parameters:expires_in (int) – Time to live of the generated URL in seconds.
Return type:str
Returns:A URL to access the object.

Returns this object’s content as an iterable.

Return type:Iterable
Returns:An iterable of the file contents

Get the date and time this object was last modified.

Return type:str
Returns:Date and time formatted string %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f

Retrieve the name of the current object.

The bucket object name adheres to a naming requirement that is more relaxed than the naming requirement enforced across CloudBridge. More details are available here: dev/UsingMetadata.html#object-key-guidelines

Return type:str
Returns:Name for this object as returned by the cloud middleware.

Refresh this object’s state and synchronize it with the underlying service provider.


Save this object and write its contents to the target_stream.


Get this object’s size.

Return type:int
Returns:Size of this object in bytes.

Set the contents of the object to the data read from the source stream.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Store the contents of the file pointed by the “path” variable.

Parameters:path (str) – Absolute path to the file to be uploaded to S3.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.Bucket[source]

Represents a namespace for objects (eg, object store bucket or container).


Delete this bucket.

Parameters:delete_contents (bool) – If True, all objects within the bucket will be deleted.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if successful.

Retrieve the name of the current bucket.

Return type:str
Returns:Name for this instance as returned by the cloud middleware.

Get a container for the objects belonging to this Bucket.

This object can be used to iterate through bucket objects, as well as perform further operations on buckets, such as get, list, create, etc.

# Show all objects in bucket

# Find an object by name

# Get first page of bucket list

# Create a new object within this bucket
obj = bucket.objects.create('my_obj.txt')
Return type:BucketContainer
Returns:A BucketContainer for further operations.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.DnsZone[source]

Represents a dns host zone.

A host zone represents a top level domain (e.g. in which multiple dns records (e.g. A, CNAME. MX etc.) are contained.


Email address of this zone’s administrator. Some cloud providers do not support this field, and therefore, it may be stored in an extra field such as description or not supported at all. (This field is mandatory in OpenStack)

Returns:Administrator’s email as a string

Delete this zone.


List of DNS records in this zone.

Return type:list of DnsRecord objects
Returns:A list of DnsRecords associated with this zone.


class cloudbridge.interfaces.resources.DnsRecord[source]

Represents a dns record.

A dns record belongs to a host zone and can contain records of varous types such as A, CNAME. MX etc.


Dns Record data

Return type:str
Returns:A string containing this DNS record’s data.

ttl for this record

Return type:int
Returns:The ttl (in seconds) for this record.

Dns Record type which could be A, CNAME, MX, AAAA, PTR

Return type:DnsRecordType
Returns:An enum representing the DNS record type.

The containing zone for this dns record

Return type:str
Returns:The ID of the zone for this dns record