Source code for

Specifications for services available through a provider
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty

from import PageableObjectMixin

[docs]class CloudService(object): """ Base interface for any service supported by a provider. This interface has a provider property that can be used to access the provider associated with this service. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractproperty def provider(self): """ Returns the provider instance associated with this service. :rtype: :class:`.CloudProvider` :return: a CloudProvider object """ pass
[docs]class ComputeService(CloudService): """ The compute service interface is a collection of services that provides access to the underlying compute related services in a provider. For example, the compute.instances service can be used to launch a new instance, and the compute.images service can be used to list available machine images. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractproperty def images(self): """ Provides access to all Image related services in this provider. (e.g. Glance in OpenStack) Example: .. code-block:: python # print all images for image in provider.compute.images: print(,, image.label) # print only first 50 images for image in provider.compute.images.list(limit=50): print(,, image.label) # find image by name image = provider.compute.images.find(name='Ubuntu 16.04')[0] print(,, image.label) :rtype: :class:`.ImageService` :return: an ImageService object """ pass @abstractproperty def vm_types(self): """ Provides access to all VM type related services in this provider. Example: .. code-block:: python # list all VM sizes for vm_type in provider.compute.vm_types: print(, # find a specific size by name vm_type = provider.compute.vm_types.find(name='m1.small')[0] print(vm_type.vcpus) :rtype: :class:`.VMTypeService` :return: an VMTypeService object """ pass @abstractproperty def instances(self): """ Provides access to all Instance related services in this provider. Example: .. code-block:: python # launch a new instance image = provider.compute.images.find(name='Ubuntu 16.04')[0] size = provider.compute.vm_types.find(name='m1.small') instance = provider.compute.instances.create('Hello', image, size) print(, instance.label) :rtype: :class:`.InstanceService` :return: an InstanceService object """ pass @abstractproperty def regions(self): """ Provides access to all Region related services in this provider. Example: .. code-block:: python for region in provider.compute.regions: print("Region: ", for zone in region.zones: print("\\tZone: ", :rtype: :class:`.RegionService` :return: a RegionService object """ pass
[docs]class InstanceService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): """ Provides access to instances in a provider, including creating, listing and deleting instances. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod def __iter__(self): """ Iterate through the list of instances. Example: ``` for instance in provider.compute.instances: print( ``` :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Instance` :return: an Instance object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, instance_id): """ Returns an instance given its id. Returns None if the object does not exist. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Instance` :return: an Instance object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Searches for an instance by a given list of attributes. Supported attributes: name, label :type name: ``str`` :param name: The name to search for :type label: ``str`` :param label: The label to search for :rtype: List of ``object`` of :class:`.Instance` :return: A list of Instance objects matching the supplied attributes. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list(self, limit=None, marker=None): """ List available instances. The returned results can be limited with limit and marker. If not specified, the limit defaults to a global default. See :func:`~interfaces.resources.PageableObjectMixin.list` for more information on how to page through returned results. example:: # List instances instlist = provider.compute.instances.list() for instance in instlist: print("Instance Data: {0}", instance) :type limit: ``int`` :param limit: The maximum number of objects to return. Note that the maximum is not guaranteed to be honoured, and a lower maximum may be enforced depending on the provider. In such a case, the returned ResultList's is_truncated property can be used to determine whether more records are available. :type marker: ``str`` :param marker: The marker is an opaque identifier used to assist in paging through very long lists of objects. It is returned on each invocation of the list method. :rtype: ``ResultList`` of :class:`.Instance` :return: A ResultList object containing a list of Instances """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def create(self, label, image, vm_type, subnet, zone=None, key_pair=None, vm_firewalls=None, user_data=None, launch_config=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a new virtual machine instance. :type label: ``str`` :param label: The label of the virtual machine instance. The instance name will be derived from this label. :type image: ``MachineImage`` or ``str`` :param image: The MachineImage object or id to boot the virtual machine with :type vm_type: ``VMType`` or ``str`` :param vm_type: The VMType or name, specifying the size of the instance to boot into :type subnet: ``Subnet`` or ``str`` :param subnet: The subnet object or a subnet string ID with which the instance should be associated. The subnet is a mandatory parameter, and must be provided when launching an instance. Note: Older clouds (with classic networking), may not have proper subnet support and are not guaranteed to work. Some providers (e.g. OpenStack) support a null value but the behaviour is implementation specific. :type zone: ``Zone`` or ``str`` :param zone: The Zone or its id, where the instance should be placed. This parameter is provided for legacy compatibility (with classic networks). The subnet's placement zone will take precedence over this parameter, but in its absence, this value will be used. :type key_pair: ``KeyPair`` or ``str`` :param key_pair: The KeyPair object or its id, to set for the instance. :type vm_firewalls: A ``list`` of ``VMFirewall`` objects or a list of ``str`` object IDs :param vm_firewalls: A list of ``VMFirewall`` objects or a list of ``VMFirewall`` IDs, which should be assigned to this instance. The VM firewalls must be associated with the same network as the supplied subnet. Use ``network.vm_firewalls`` to retrieve a list of firewalls belonging to a network. :type user_data: ``str`` :param user_data: An extra userdata object which is compatible with the provider. :type launch_config: ``LaunchConfig`` object :param launch_config: A ``LaunchConfig`` object which describes advanced launch configuration options for an instance. Currently, this includes only block_device_mappings. To construct a launch configuration object, call provider.compute.instances.create_launch_config() :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Instance` :return: an instance of Instance class """ pass
[docs] def create_launch_config(self): """ Creates a ``LaunchConfig`` object which can be used to set additional options when launching an instance, such as block device mappings and network interfaces. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.LaunchConfig` :return: an instance of a LaunchConfig class """ pass
[docs]class VolumeService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): """ Base interface for a Volume Service. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, volume_id): """ Returns a volume given its id. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Volume` :return: a Volume object or ``None`` if the volume does not exist. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Searches for a volume by a given list of attributes. Supported attributes: label :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Volume` :return: a Volume object or ``None`` if not found. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list(self, limit=None, marker=None): """ List all volumes. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.Volume` :return: a list of Volume objects. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def create(self, label, size, zone, snapshot=None, description=None): """ Creates a new volume. :type label: ``str`` :param label: The label for the volume. :type size: ``int`` :param size: The size of the volume (in GB). :type zone: ``str`` or :class:`.PlacementZone` object :param zone: The availability zone in which the Volume will be created. :type snapshot: ``str`` or :class:`.Snapshot` object :param snapshot: An optional reference to a snapshot from which this volume should be created. :type description: ``str`` :param description: An optional description that may be supported by some providers. Providers that do not support this property will return ``None``. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Volume` :return: a newly created Volume object. """ pass
[docs]class SnapshotService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): """ Base interface for a Snapshot Service. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, volume_id): """ Returns a snapshot given its id. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Snapshot` :return: a Snapshot object or ``None`` if the snapshot does not exist. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Searches for a snapshot by a given list of attributes. Supported attributes: label :rtype: list of :class:`.Snapshot` :return: a Snapshot object or an empty list if none found. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list(self, limit=None, marker=None): """ List all snapshots. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.Snapshot` :return: a list of Snapshot objects. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def create(self, label, volume, description=None): """ Creates a new snapshot off a volume. :type label: ``str`` :param label: The label for the snapshot. :type volume: ``str`` or ``Volume`` :param volume: The volume to create a snapshot of. :type description: ``str`` :param description: An optional description that may be supported by some providers. Providers that do not support this property will return None. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Snapshot` :return: a newly created Snapshot object. """ pass
[docs]class StorageService(CloudService): """ The Storage Service interface provides access to block device services, such as volume and snapshot services, as well as object store services, such as buckets, in the provider. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractproperty def volumes(self): """ Provides access to volumes (i.e., block storage) for this provider. Example: .. code-block:: python # print all volumes for vol in print(,, vol.label) # find volume by label vol ='my_vol')[0] print(,, vol.label) :rtype: :class:`.VolumeService` :return: a VolumeService object """ pass @abstractproperty def snapshots(self): """ Provides access to volume snapshots for this provider. Example: .. code-block:: python # print all snapshots for snap in print(,, snap.label) # find snapshot by label snap ='my_snap')[0] print(,, snap.label) :rtype: :class:`.SnapshotService` :return: a SnapshotService object """ pass @abstractproperty def buckets(self): """ Provides access to object storage services in this provider. Example: .. code-block:: python # print all buckets for bucket in print(, # find bucket by name bucket ='my_bucket')[0] print(, :rtype: :class:`.BucketService` :return: a BucketService object """ pass
[docs]class ImageService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): """ Base interface for an Image Service """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, image_id): """ Returns an Image given its id. Returns None if the Image does not exist. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Image` :return: an Image instance """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Searches for an image by a given list of attributes Supported attributes: name, label :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Image` :return: an Image instance """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list(self, filter_by_owner=True, limit=None, marker=None): """ List all images. :type filter_by_owner: ``bool`` :param filter_by_owner: If ``True``, return only images owned by the current user. Else, return all public images available from the provider. Note that fetching all images may take a long time. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.Image` :return: list of image objects """ pass
[docs]class NetworkingService(CloudService): """ Base service interface for networking. This service offers a collection of networking services that in turn provide access to networking resources. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractproperty def networks(self): """ Provides access to all Network related services. :rtype: :class:`.NetworkService` :return: a Network service object """ pass @abstractproperty def subnets(self): """ Provides access to all Subnet related services. :rtype: :class:`.SubnetService` :return: a Subnet service object """ pass @abstractproperty def routers(self): """ Provides access to all Router related services. :rtype: :class:`.RouterService` :return: a Router service object """ pass
[docs]class NetworkService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): """ Base interface for a Network Service. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, network_id): """ Returns a Network given its ID or ``None`` if not found. :type network_id: ``str`` :param network_id: The ID of the network to retrieve. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Network` :return: a Network object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list(self, limit=None, marker=None): """ List all networks. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.Network` :return: list of Network objects """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Searches for a network by a given list of attributes. Supported attributes: name, label :rtype: List of ``object`` of :class:`.Network` :return: A list of Network objects matching the supplied attributes. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def create(self, label, cidr_block): """ Create a new network. :type label: ``str`` :param label: A label for the network. :type cidr_block: ``str`` :param cidr_block: The cidr block for this network. Some providers will respect this at the network level, while others will only respect it at subnet level. However, to write portable code, you should make sure that any subnets you create fall within this initially specified range. Note that the block size should be between a /16 netmask (65,536 IP addresses) and /28 netmask (16 IP addresses). e.g. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Network` :return: A Network object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete(self, network_id): """ Delete an existing Network. :type network_id: ``str`` :param network_id: The ID of the network to be deleted. """ pass
@abstractproperty def subnets(self): """ Provides access to subnets. Example: .. code-block:: python # Print all subnets for s in provider.networking.subnets: print(,, s.label) # Get subnet by ID s = provider.networking.subnets.get('subnet-id') print(,, s.label) :rtype: :class:`.SubnetService` :return: a SubnetService object """ pass
[docs]class SubnetService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): """ Base interface for a Subnet Service. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, subnet_id): """ Returns a Subnet given its ID or ``None`` if not found. :type subnet_id: :class:`.Network` object or ``str`` :param subnet_id: The ID of the subnet to retrieve. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Subnet` return: a Subnet object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod # pylint:disable=arguments-differ def list(self, network=None, limit=None, marker=None): """ List all subnets or filter them by the supplied network ID. :type network: ``str`` :param network: Network object or ID with which to filter the subnets. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.Subnet` :return: list of Subnet objects """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Searches for a subnet by a given list of attributes. Supported attributes: name, label :rtype: List of ``object`` of :class:`.Subnet` :return: A list of Subnet objects matching the supplied attributes. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def create(self, label, network_id, cidr_block, zone): """ Create a new subnet within the supplied network. :type label: ``str`` :param label: The subnet label. :type network: :class:`.Network` object or ``str`` :param network: Network object or ID under which to create the subnet. :type cidr_block: ``str`` :param cidr_block: CIDR block within the Network to assign to the subnet. :type zone: ``str`` :param zone: A placement zone for the subnet. Some providers may not support this, in which case the value is ignored. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Subnet` :return: A Subnet object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_or_create_default(self, zone): """ Return a default subnet for the account or create one if not found. This provides a convenience method for obtaining a network if you are not particularly concerned with how the network is structured. A default network is one marked as such by the provider or matches the default label used by this library (e.g., cloudbridge-net). :type zone: :class:`.PlacementZone` object ``str`` :param zone: Placement zone where to look for the subnet. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Subnet` :return: A Subnet object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete(self, subnet): """ Delete an existing Subnet. :type subnet: :class:`.Subnet` object or ``str`` :param subnet: Subnet object or ID of the subnet to delete. """ pass
[docs]class RouterService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): """ Manage networking router actions and resources. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, router_id): """ Returns a Router object given its ID. :type router_id: ``str`` :param router_id: The ID of the router to retrieve. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Router` or ``None`` :return: a Router object of ``None`` if not found. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list(self, limit=None, marker=None): """ List all routers. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.Router` :return: list of Router objects """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Searches for a router by a given list of attributes. Supported attributes: name, label :rtype: List of ``object`` of :class:`.Router` :return: A list of Router objects matching the supplied attributes. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def create(self, label, network): """ Create a new router. :type label: ``str`` :param label: A router label. :type network: :class:`.Network` object or ``str`` :param network: Network object or ID under which to create the router. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Router` :return: A Router object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete(self, router): """ Delete an existing Router. :type router: :class:`.Router` object or ``str`` :param router: Router object or ID of the router to delete. """ pass
[docs]class BucketService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): """ The Bucket Service interface provides access to the underlying object storage capabilities of this provider. This service is optional and the :func:`CloudProvider.has_service()` method should be used to verify its availability before using the service. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, bucket_id): """ Returns a bucket given its ID. Returns ``None`` if the bucket does not exist. On some providers, such as AWS and OpenStack, the bucket id is the same as its name. Example: .. code-block:: python bucket ='my_bucket_id') print(, :rtype: :class:`.Bucket` :return: a Bucket instance """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Searches for a bucket by a given list of attributes. Supported attributes: name Example: .. code-block:: python buckets ='my_bucket_name') for bucket in buckets: print(, :rtype: :class:`.Bucket` :return: a Bucket instance """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list(self, limit=None, marker=None): """ List all buckets. Example: .. code-block:: python buckets ='my_bucket_name') for bucket in buckets: print(, :rtype: :class:`.Bucket` :return: list of bucket objects """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def create(self, name, location=None): """ Create a new bucket. If a bucket with the specified name already exists, return a reference to that bucket. Example: .. code-block:: python bucket ='my_bucket_name') print( :type name: str :param name: The name of this bucket. :type location: ``object`` of :class:`.Region` :param location: The region in which to place this bucket. :return: a Bucket object :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Bucket` """ pass
[docs]class SecurityService(CloudService): """ The security service interface can be used to access security related functions in the provider, such as firewall control and keypairs. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractproperty def key_pairs(self): """ Provides access to key pairs for this provider. Example: .. code-block:: python # print all keypairs for kp in print(, # find keypair by name kp ='my_key_pair')[0] print(, :rtype: :class:`.KeyPairService` :return: a KeyPairService object """ pass @abstractproperty def vm_firewalls(self): """ Provides access to firewalls (security groups) for this provider. Example: .. code-block:: python # print all VM firewalls for fw in print(, # find firewall by name fw ='my_vm_fw')[0] print(, :rtype: :class:`.VMFirewallService` :return: a VMFirewallService object """ pass
[docs]class KeyPairService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): """ Base interface for key pairs. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, key_pair_id): """ Return a KeyPair given its ID or ``None`` if not found. On some providers, such as AWS and OpenStack, the KeyPair ID is the same as its name. Example: .. code-block:: python key_pair ='my_key_pair_id') print(, :rtype: :class:`.KeyPair` :return: a KeyPair instance """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list(self, limit=None, marker=None): """ List all key pairs associated with this account. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.KeyPair` :return: list of KeyPair objects """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Searches for a key pair by a given list of attributes. Supported attributes: name :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.KeyPair` :return: a KeyPair object """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def create(self, name, public_key_material=None): """ Create a new key pair or raise an exception if one already exists. If the public_key_material is provided, the material will be imported to create the new keypair. Otherwise, a new public and private key pair will be generated. :type name: str :param name: The name of the key pair to be created. :type public_key_material: str :param public_key_material: The key-pair material to import in OpenSSH format. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.KeyPair` :return: A keypair instance or ``None``. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete(self, key_pair_id): """ Delete an existing VMFirewall. :type key_pair_id: str :param key_pair_id: The id of the key pair to be deleted. :rtype: ``bool`` :return: ``True`` if the key does not exist, ``False`` otherwise. Note that this implies that the key may not have been deleted by this method but instead has not existed at all. """ pass
[docs]class VMFirewallService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): """ Base interface for VM firewalls. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, vm_firewall_id): """ Returns a VMFirewall given its ID. Returns ``None`` if the VMFirewall does not exist. Example: .. code-block:: python fw ='my_fw_id') print(, :rtype: :class:`.VMFirewall` :return: a VMFirewall instance """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list(self, limit=None, marker=None): """ List all VM firewalls associated with this account. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.VMFirewall` :return: list of VMFirewall objects """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def create(self, label, network_id, description=None): """ Create a new VMFirewall. :type label: str :param label: The label for the new VM firewall. :type network_id: ``str`` :param network_id: Network ID under which to create the VM firewall. :type description: str :param description: The description of the new VM firewall. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.VMFirewall` :return: A VMFirewall instance or ``None`` if one was not created. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Get VM firewalls associated with your account filtered by name. Supported attributes: name :type name: str :param name: The name of the VM firewall to retrieve. :rtype: list of :class:`VMFirewall` :return: A list of VMFirewall objects or an empty list if none found. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete(self, group_id): """ Delete an existing VMFirewall. :type group_id: str :param group_id: The VM firewall ID to be deleted. """ pass
[docs]class VMTypeService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, vm_type_id): """ Returns an VMType given its ID. Returns ``None`` if the VMType does not exist. Example: .. code-block:: python vm_type = provider.compute.vm_types.get('my_vm_type_id') print(, :rtype: :class:`.VMType` :return: an VMType instance """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list(self, limit=None, marker=None): """ List all VM types. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.VMType` :return: list of VMType objects """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Searches for an instance by a given list of attributes. Supported attributes: name :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.VMType` :return: an Instance object """ pass
[docs]class RegionService(PageableObjectMixin, CloudService): """ Base interface for a Region service """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractproperty def current(self): """ Returns the current region that this provider is connected to. If the current region cannot be discovered, return ``None``. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Region` :return: a Region instance or ``None`` """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, region_id): """ Returns a region given its id. Returns None if the region does not exist. :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Region` :return: a Region instance """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def list(self, limit=None, marker=None): """ List all regions. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.Region` :return: list of region objects """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def find(self, **kwargs): """ Searches for a region by a given list of attributes. Supported attributes: name :rtype: ``object`` of :class:`.Region` :return: a Region object """ pass