Running tests

In the spirit of the library’s Design Goals, the aim is to have thorough tests for the entire library. This page explains the testing philosophy and shows how to run the tests locally.

Testing philosophy

Our testing goals are to:

  1. Write one set of tests that all provider implementations must pass.
  2. Make that set of tests a ‘conformance’ test suite, which validates that each implementation correctly implements the CloudBridge specification.
  3. Make the test suite comprehensive enough that a provider which passes all the tests can be used safely by an application with no additional testing. In other words, the CloudBridge specification and accompanying test suite must be comprehensive enough that no provider specific workarounds, code or testing is required.
  4. For development, mock providers may be used to speed up the feedback cycle, but providers must also pass the full suite of tests when run against actual cloud infrastructure to ensure that we are not testing against an idealised or imagined environment.
  5. Aim for 100% code coverage.

Running tests

To run the test suite locally:
  1. Install tox with pip install tox
  2. Export all environment variables listed in tox.ini (under passenv)
  3. Run tox command

This will run all the tests for all the environments defined in file tox.ini.

Specific environment and infrastructure

If you’d like to run the tests on a specific environment only, say Python 2.7, against a specific infrastructure, say aws, use a command like this: tox -e py27-aws. The available provider names are listed in the ProviderList class (e.g., aws or openstack).

Specific test cases

You can run a specific test case, as follows: tox -- -s test.test_cloud_factory.CloudFactoryTestCase

It can also be restricted to a particular environment as follows: tox -e "py27-aws" -- -s test.test_cloud_factory.CloudFactoryTestCase

Using unittest directly

You can also run the tests against your active virtual environment directly with python test. You will need to set the CB_TEST_PROVIDER and CB_USE_MOCK_PROVIDERS environment variables prior to running the tests, or they will default to CB_TEST_PROVIDER=aws and CB_USE_MOCK_PROVIDERS=True.

You can also run a specific test case, as follows: python test -s test.test_cloud_factory.CloudFactoryTestCase

Using a mock provider

Note that running the tests may create various cloud resources, for which you may incur costs. For the AWS cloud, there is also a mock provider (moto) that will simulate AWS resources. It is used by default when running the test suite. You can toggle the use of mock providers by setting an environment variable: CB_USE_MOCK_PROVIDERS to Yes or No.